Thousands of workers are injured every day while on the job. If you have suffered a workplace injury, you are entitled to compensation for your financial losses and contacting a Kansas City worker’s compensation attorney without delay is very important. You likely will be entitled to have your medical expenses paid and receive other compensation pursuant to the worker’s compensation laws and a workers compensation lawyer knows what needs to be done to help you with your claim. Both Missouri and Kansas have laws which provide for employees to be compensated for their work-related injuries. An Overland park worker’s compensation attorney knows that in addition to any compensation you may receive from your employer, you may also be entitled to recover compensation from other parties who may be responsible for causing your injuries. A Kansas City workman’s compensation attorney also knows that you are entitled to be compensated for any medical expenses you incur, any time you missed from work, any pain and suffering you experienced, past, present and future, and any residual disability which you may experience from the accident.

Our firm is committed to aggressively working to obtain the compensation our clients need to rebuild their lives and face the future. We have extensive experience representing clients who have suffered workplace injuries caused from any type of work-related accident including construction accidents, burns, electrocutions, explosions and other industrial accidents.

When we take a workplace injury case, we are determined to commit all of our resources to assure that our client receives all compensation to which he or she is entitled. We understand the difficulties these cases can sometimes present to some attorneys, but we also know the difference that success in a case can make in the lives of our clients. Although our primary job is to determine the cause of the accident and establish the liability of all responsible parties, our focus is also on the future of our client and what we can do to help him or her recover from their injuries and cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event. In every case, our primary goal is to make certain our client receives the maximum amount of compensation allowed under the law.


If you have suffered a work-related injury, it is necessary you immediately report it to your employer. However, we recommend you do not speak with an insurance company or any of its representatives. We also recommend that you not sign any documents until you have consulted with an experienced work-related injury lawyer.